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  What is ACDB ?

Here, we developed a comprehensive anti-aging compounds database (ACDB), with the aim of providing a large amount of publicly available resources on anti-aging compounds, and to be suitable for artificial intelligence to speed development of anti-aging drugs.

To our knowledge, ACDB is the only available and largest online database that collects various information on anti-aging compounds, including 2585 unique compounds and crude extracts (1929 of which have CID and chemical structure information), drug dose and concentration, species and strain, mean and maximum survival time, statistical significance and activity tag and 689 articles original data sources.

  Statistics :


689 total references.


2585 distinct drugs.


49 distinct species.


7085 experiments data.

  News and Updates :

03/25/2023 ACDB v2.01: Update the database

03/20/2022 ACDB v1.04: Update the page of 'Download' and 'Help'

03/10/2022 ACDB v1.03: Update the page of 'Species details' and 'Compound details'

02/25/2022 ACDB v1.02: Update the page of 'Search' and 'Compound query results'

02/20/2022 ACDB v1.01: Update the page of 'Home' and 'Submit'

12/15/2021 Database setup is complete

11/25/2021 Collect publication information and process data

08/15/2021 Integrate database information and screen related literature in PubMed