Compound Summary

  Compound Information

Compound Name:


Compound CID:






Chromium metal



Iupac Name:






Canonical Smiles:


Isomeric Smiles:


Molecular Weight:


Molecular Formula:


  Compound Structure
 2D Structure:
 3D Structure:
  Computed Properties

Molecular Weight:


Molecular Formula:


Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:


Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:


Rotatable Bond Count:


Heavy Atom Count:





7440-47-3 7440-47-3




Chromium metal



Chromium, elemental



chromium atom

Chromium chips

Chromium powder



Chromium(III) compounds




Chromium compounds

Chrome French

Chrom German

Chromium, metal


Chromium (Metal)

Chromium - Metal


HSDB 910

EINECS 231-157-5


chromium anion


Chromium flakes

Chromium pellets

Chromium MOF

Chromium Nanorods

Chromium, metal and insol. salts



Chromium Nanopowder

Chromium Nanoprisms

Chromium Trituration

Chromium Yeast Dark

Chromium crystallites

Chromium Metal Chips

Chromium Yeast Light

Chromium(3+) ions

Chromium Citrate Trit

Chromium Micro Powder

Chromium Nanoparticles

Chromium ion(Cr3+)

Chromium, ion(Cr3+)

Chromium, metal and chromium(III) compounds

Chromium, ion (Cr3 )

Chromium pieces, irregular

Epitope ID:114071

Chromium, ion (Cr 3+)

EC 231-157-5

Chromium metal Chromium and chromium compounds

Chromium Arginate 7% 40M

Chromium powder, -60 mesh

Ultra Thin Chromium Nanofoil

Chromium powder, -100 mesh

Chromium powder, -200 mesh

Chromium powder, -325 mesh


Chromium Histidinate 8% 40M

Chromium, puriss., 98.0%

Chromium granules, -4+7 mesh

Chromium Metal Organic Framework

Chromium Metal-Organic Framework

Chromium Powder, 99.5% Nano


Titanium Metal Organic Framework


Chromium powder, -10+20 mesh

Chromium Lysinate 0.28% 40M


Chromium Yeast 0.2% Blend Only

Chromium powder, APS <10 micron

Chromium(III) compounds, n.o.s.

Chromium powder, -100+325 mesh


Silica (SiO2) Photoelectric Crystal



Chromium pieces, 1-25mm (0.04-1in)

Chromium, powder, 99.5%, -100 mesh

Chromium pieces, 3-8mm (0.1-0.31in)

Chromium, coating quality, 99.95%, grit

Chromium cubes, 12.5mm (0.492in) square

Chromium, chips, thickness ~2 mm, 99.5%

Chromium chunks, 2-15mm (0.08-0.59in)

Chromium flakes, 2-12mm (0.08-0.47in)

Chromium Molybdenum Trituration 1% 60 Mesh

Chromium pieces, 3-12mm (0.12-0.47in)

Chromium Polynicotinate/Nicotinate 0.2% 40M

Chromium Rice Chelate 1% 40M w/Cr Arginate


Chromium, chips, 99.995% trace metals basis

Chromium pieces, 2-3mm (0.08-0.12in) thick

Chromium, chunks, >=99.99% trace metals basis

Chromium, bar, 100mm x 2mm x 2mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 10mm, diameter 2.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 10mm, diameter 5.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 25mm, diameter 2.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 25mm, diameter 5.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 50mm, diameter 2.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 50mm, diameter 5.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium cubes, typically 6.35mm (0.25in) square

Chromium, rod, 100mm, diameter 2.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 100mm, diameter 5.0mm, 99.7+%

Chromium crystallite pieces, 2-15mm (0.08-0.59in)


Chromium, plasma standard solution, Specpure, Cr 10g/ml

Chromium, AAS standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 1000?g/ml

Chromium, powder, >=99% trace metals basis, -325 mesh

Chromium, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 3.0mm, hard, 99.95%

Chromium, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 2.0mm, hard, 99.7+%

Chromium, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 2.0mm, hard, 99.7+%

Chromium, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 3.0mm, hard, 99.95%

Chromium, Oil based standard solution, Specpure, Cr 5000g/g

Chromium pieces, electrolytic, 6mm & down, 99.997% (metals basis)

Chromium, Oil based standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 1000?g/g

Chromium, plasma standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 10,000 ?g/ml

Chromium, plasma standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 10,000?g/ml

Chromium, rod, 0.5 mm diameter, length 50 mm, purity 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 1.0 mm diameter, length 50 mm, purity 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 8.0 mm diameter, length 100 mm, purity 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, 8.0 mm diameter, length 50 mm, purity 99.7+%

Chromium, rod, length 25 mm, 0.5 mm diameter, purity 99.7+%

Chromium single crystal, 8-10mm (0.3-0.4in) dia, random orientation

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.5 mm, size 10 x 10 mm, purity 99.7+%

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.5 mm, size 100 x 100 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.5 mm, size 12.5 x 12.5 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.5 mm, size 25 x 25 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.5 mm, size 50 x 50 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 0.75 mm, size 25 x 25 mm, tolerance 0.2

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.0 mm, size 100 x 100 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.0 mm, size 12.5 x 12.5 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.0 mm, size 25 x 25 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.0 mm, size 50 x 50 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.0 mm, size 75 x 75 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.5 mm, size 100 x 100 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.5 mm, size 25 x 25 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 1.5 mm, size 50 x 50 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 2.0 mm, size 100 x 100 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 2.0 mm, size 25 x 25 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, foil, thickness 2.0 mm, size 50 x 50 mm, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 10 g, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 100 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 100 g, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 20 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 20 g, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 200 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 200 g, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 50 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 10 mm max. lump size, weight 50 g, purity 99.99%

Chromium, lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 100 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 1000 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 200 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 50 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 500 g, purity 99.95%

Chromium, powder, mean particle size <10 micron, weight 20 g, purity 99%

Chromium, powder, mean particle size <10 micron, weight 50 g, purity 99%

Chromium single crystal, 8-10mm (0.3-0.4in) dia, (100) orientation, +/-2 degrees

Chromium single crystal, 8-10mm (0.3-0.4in) dia, (110) orientation, +/-2 degrees

Chromium single crystal, 8-10mm (0.3-0.4in) dia, (111) orientation, +/-2 degrees

Chromium sputtering target, 50.8mm (2.0in) dia x 3.18mm (0.125in) thick

Chromium sputtering target, 50.8mm (2.0in) dia x 6.35mm (0.250in) thick

Chromium sputtering target, 76.2mm (3.0in) dia x 6.35mm (0.250in) thick

Chromium, plasma standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 1000?g/ml, Cr in 5% HCl

Chromium, plasma standard solution, Specpure?, Cr 1000?g/ml, Cr(NO3)3 in 5% HNO3

Chromium, powder, <10 mean particle size (micron), weight 100 g, purity 99%

Chromium, powder, <10 mean particle size (micron), weight 200 g, purity 99%

Chromium, powder, 200 max. part. size (micron), weight 200 g, purity 99.0+%

Chromium, powder, 200 max. part. size (micron), weight 2000 g, purity 99.0+%

Chromium, powder, 200 max. part. size (micron), weight 50 g, purity 99.0+%

Chromium, powder, 38 max. part. size (micron), weight 100 g, purity 99.0+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 200 micron, weight 100 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 200 micron, weight 1000 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 200 micron, weight 500 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 38 micron, weight 1000 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 38 micron, weight 200 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 38 micron, weight 50 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 38 micron, weight 500 g, purity 99.+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 45 micron, weight 100 g, min. particle size 38 micron

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 45 micron, weight 200 g, min. particle size 38 micron

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 45 micron, weight 50 g, min. particle size 38 micron

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 45 micron, weight 500 g, min. particle size 38 micron


Chromium single crystal disc, 10mm (0.39in) dia, 1-3mm (0.04-0.1in) thick, (100) orientation, +/-0.5 degrees

Chromium single crystal disc, 10mm (0.39in) dia, 1-3mm (0.04-0.1in) thick, (110) orientation, +/-0.5 degrees

Chromium single crystal disc, 10mm (0.39in) dia, 1-3mm (0.04-0.1in) thick, (111) orientation, +/-0.5 degrees

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.005mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.006mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.007mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.008mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.009mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.0125mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.015mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.01mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.02mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.03mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.04mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.05mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.075mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.0125mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.015mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.01mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.02mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.03mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.04mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.05mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.0015mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.001mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.0025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.002mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.003mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.004mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.005mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.006mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.007mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.009mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.0125mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.015mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.01mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.02mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.03mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.04mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.05mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 25x25mm, thickness 0.075mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.001mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.0025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.002mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.003mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.004mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.005mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.006mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.007mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.008mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.009mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.0125mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.015mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.01mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.025mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.02mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.03mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.04mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.05mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, foil, not light tested, 50x50mm, thickness 0.075mm, permanent polyester support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 10mm, thinness 0.025mum, specific density 18.21mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 10mm, thinness 0.05mum, specific density 37.27mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 10mm, thinness 0.25mum, specific density 178.7mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 10mm, thinness 0.5mum, specific density 355mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 10mm, thinness 1.0mum, specific density 719mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 25mm, thinness 0.05mum, specific density 37.27mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 25mm, thinness 0.25mum, specific density 178.7mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 25mm, thinness 0.5mum, specific density 355mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, microfoil, disks, 25mm, thinness 1.0mum, specific density 719mug/cm2, permanent mylar 3.5mum support, 99.99+%

Chromium, powder, max. particle size 45 micron, weight 1000 g, min. particle size 38 micron

Chromium, sputtering target, diam. x thickness 3.00 in. x 0.125 in., 99.95% trace metals basis

  Experimental Data

Species Dose Unit Control(Avg days) Treatment(Avg days) Avg/Med Lifespan Change(%) Control(Max days) Treatment(Max days) Max Lifespan Change(%) Significant Strain Gender PubMed Avg/Med Lifespan Change tab
Mus musculus 1.000000000000000 % 9.000000000000000 S C57BL/6J FEMALES 17416441 Active
  Experimental Data Visualization

  Statistics Data

Species Avg/Med Lifespan Change(%) Max Lifespan Change(%) Count Reference Count Data point
Mus musculus 9.000000000000000 1 1
  Statistics Data Visualization